Quicklooks of Cloudnet dataData Home | Overview of Cloudnet products | Product list | Quicklooks | Conditions of use
This page contains links to pages containing quicklooks of the Cloudnet data. Click on the text on the left to access the dataset web pages. See also quicklooks of data from the ARM fixed sites and the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) processed using Cloudnet algorithms.
- Cabauw, Netherlands. From the CESAR observatory.
- Chilbolton, UK. From the CFARR observatory.
- Juelich, Germany. From JOYCE, operated by IGMK and partners.
- Leipzig, Germany. From LACROS, operated by the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research.
- Lindenberg, Germany. From the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory operated by Deutscher Wetterdienst.
- Mace Head, Ireland. From the Mace Head Facility operated by NUI, Galway.
- Palaiseau, France. From the SIRTA observatory.
- Potenza, Italy. From CIAO, the CNR-IMAA atmospheric observatory.
- Sodankyla, Finland. From the Arctic Research Centre operated by FMI.
Level 3 model intercomparisons
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