Level 1b Cloudnet product:KNMI RACMO modelData Home | Overview of Cloudnet products | Product list | Quicklooks | Conditions of useSummary
Dataset contentsSample NetCDF file: 20040316_chilbolton_racmo.nc The following is a description of the variables in this product, produced automatically from the metadata in the sample file (using the nc2html unix utility): Dataset title: KNMI RACMO single-site output over Chilbolton
Dimensions and coordinate variablestimeHours UTC
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Model level
Type:signed two-byte integer vector Microwave frequency
Type:single-precision floating-point vector VariableslatitudeLatitude of model gridpoint
Type:single-precision floating-point scalar Longitude of model gridpoint
Type:single-precision floating-point scalar Horizontal resolution of model
Type:single-precision floating-point scalar Time since initialization of forecast For each profile in the file this variable contains the time elapsed since the initialization time of the forecast from which it was taken. Note that the profiles in this file may be taken from more than one forecast. Units:hoursType:single-precision floating-point vector Pressure
Type:single-precision floating-point array Zonal wind
Type:single-precision floating-point array Meridional wind
Type:single-precision floating-point array Vertical wind in pressure coordinates
Type:single-precision floating-point array Temperature
Type:single-precision floating-point array Specific humidity
Type:single-precision floating-point array Gridbox-mean liquid water mixing ratio
Type:single-precision floating-point array Gridbox-mean ice water mixing ratio
Type:single-precision floating-point array Cloud fraction
Type:single-precision floating-point array Surface pressure
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Latent heat flux
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Sensible heat flux
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Surface downwelling shortwave flux
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Surface downwelling longwave flux
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Convective rainfall amount
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Large-scale rainfall amount
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Skin temperature
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Large-scale precipitation fraction
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Surface total cloud fraction
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Height above ground The heights have been calculated using pressure, temperature and specific humidity. Units:mType:single-precision floating-point array Relative humidity With respect to liquid above 0 degrees C and with respect to ice below 0 degrees C. Calculated using Goff-Gratch formula. Units:dimensionlessType:single-precision floating-point array Vertical wind The vertical wind has been calculated from omega (Pa s-1), height and pressure using: w=omega*dz/dp Units:m s-1Type:single-precision floating-point array Two-way attenuation from the ground due to atmospheric gases
Type:single-precision floating-point array Specific one-way attenuation due to atmospheric gases
Type:single-precision floating-point array Specific one-way attenuation due to atmospheric gases for saturated air (saturated with respect to ice below 0 degrees C)
Type:single-precision floating-point array Specific one-way attenuation due to atmospheric gases for dry air (no water vapour)
Type:single-precision floating-point array Dielectric parameter (|K|^2) of liquid water
Type:single-precision floating-point array Specific one-way attenuation due to liquid water, per unit liquid water content
Type:single-precision floating-point array These pages are maintained by . |