Level 2a Cloudnet product:Ice cloud parameters (radar/lidar method)Data Home | Overview of Cloudnet products | Product list | Quicklooks | Conditions of useSummary
Dataset contentsSample NetCDF file: 20031001_chilbolton_ice-radar-lidar-method.nc The following is a description of the variables in this product, produced automatically from the metadata in the sample file (using the nc2html unix utility): Dataset title: Ice cloud properties derived using combined radar and lidar
References:Donovan and Van Lammeren 2000, Donovan 2003 Software version:Lidrad 1.04 Dimensions and coordinate variablestimeTime UTC
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Height above mean sea level
Type:single-precision floating-point vector Variablesrpeff(time, height)Effective radius prime This variable is the lidar-radar effective radius which \n is an invariant function of the ratio between the optical \n extinction and the radar reflectivity. Units:μmType:single-precision floating-point array Variable containing the random error in rpeff:rpeff_error Random error in rpeff, one standard deviation This variable is an estimate of the one-standard-deviation random error in \n effective radius prime calculated by propagating the errors in the \n lidar and radar signal Units:umType:single-precision floating-point array Effective radius
Type:single-precision floating-point array Variable containing the random error in reff:reff_error Random error in effective radius, one standard deviation This variable is an estimate of the one-standard-deviation random error in \n effective radius taken from rpeff_error Units:umType:single-precision floating-point array Extinction
Type:single-precision floating-point array Variable containing the random error in alpha:alpha_error std deviation Extinction
Type:single-precision floating-point array Ice water content This variable is the ice water content which \n is calculated from IWC-prime addopting an ice habit and particles size distribution Units:g m-3Type:single-precision floating-point array Variable containing the random error in iwc:iwc_error Random error in Ice water content, one standard deviation This variable is an estimate of the one-standard-deviation random error in \n effective ice water content calculated using the error in ice water content prime Units:g m-3Type:single-precision floating-point array Ice water content prime This variable is the lidar-radar effective ice water content which \n is an invariant function of the ratio between the optical \n extinction and the radar reflectivity. Units:g m-3Type:single-precision floating-point array Variable containing the random error in iwcp:iwcp_error Random error in Ice water content prime, one standard deviation This variable is an estimate of the one-standard-deviation random error in \n effective ice water content prime calculated by propagating the errors in the \n lidar and radar signal Units:g m-3Type:single-precision floating-point array ice determination; ice=1 --> ice; ice=0 --> water or nothing
Type:single-precision floating-point array These pages are maintained by . |