Cloudnet products for release

This page lists the Cloudnet products available for general release and links to the detailed product pages. Note that for access to single-instrument datasets (level 1b and earlier) you will need to contact the maintainer of the site archive concerned.

Level 1b

Refined retrieval of liquid water path using liquid cloud height/occurrence information from lidar and coefficients from forecast model:

Single-site forecast model data converted to NetCDF:

Level 1c

Combined cloud radar, lidar microwave radiometer, rain gauge and model data with regridding, correction for attenuation, reporting of measurement errors, data quality flags and categorization of targets:

Level 2a

General products (not specific to one cloud type):

Liquid cloud products: Ice cloud products. Note that the radar-lidar methods are only possible in clouds with both a good radar and lidar signal, which is a smaller fraction of clouds than those for which the radar/temperature method may be applied. However, the radar-lidar methods provide more properties and are expected to be more accurate.

Level 2b

Observed cloud fraction (derived from the target categorization dataset) on the grids of the various models:

Observed water content on the grids of the various models:

Level 3

Monthly and yearly cloud fraction statistics and skill scores for each model:

Monthly and yearly ice water content statistics and skill scores for each model:

Monthly and yearly liquid water content statistics and skill scores for each model: